Welcome to the Healthy Life Supplement
In this issue:
-- Whole food supplements
-- Product Focus
-- Final Thoughts
Whole Food Supplements
The term "whole food supplements," has no legal definition, and has therefore been used quite loosely by marketers of dietary supplements.
While it is the intention of some marketers to lead consumers to
believe that nutritional products can be made by condensing or
compressing whole foods into efficacious, nutritional tidbits, such a result is impossible.
Consider that a supplement condensed or compressed from a whole foodwould contain little nutrient value, and would require taking an inordinately large number of servings or tablets to get even one serving with adequate nutritional value. Take spinach, for example.
If we consider a reasonable serving size for spinach to be one cup of cooked spinach, the spinach in that serving would weigh approximately 180 grams. Dried and made into a powder, it would weigh about 30 grams. Since a normal-sized tablet holds about a half gram of powder, at best, to get the equivalent of a cup of cooked spinach, you would need to consume a minimum of 60 tablets.
Something must happen between the time raw ingredients are harvested and put into an end product that provides benefit for the consumer.
So a good working definition of "natural" would be "as close to nature as possible with the least amount of processing needed to deliver claimed nutrients."
Shaklee is committed to providing the purest and most
bio-available nutrients derived from naturally occurring sources
whenever possible. Dr. Shaklee once said, "True, no one can improve upon nature's nutrition, but we can improve upon the methods used by man to capture nature's values."
Accordingly, while Shaklee seeks to use the finest natural sources for its formulations, we also recognize the beneficial advances in food technology that make available highly bio-potent nutrient sources where nature has not provided them.
Please go to ,
Shaklee Physicians Page
and click on the "Product Ingredient Philosophy" link to read more.
Perhaps a more important issue for consumers than going back and forth on the meaning of such terms as "natural" and "whole foods," might be the scientific basis and actual nutritional value of food and nutritional supplements.
We are proud that Shaklee products are based on sound science and bring benefits to their consumers. It is where Shaklee distinguishes itself from competitors. When appropriate,
Shaklee conducts clinical studies to ensure product safety and support efficacy. Shaklee's studies have been published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals, such as The Journal of the American Medical Association, The American Journal of Cardiology, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and others. These journals are available in public and medical libraries across the nation.
**Free** Shaklee Membership
For the entire month of December you can recieve a free membership to Shaklee just for ordering some of their great products. This not only saves you the $20 upfront cost of a membership, but it also gives you 15% off your order and all future orders.
Please contact me if you would like more information or go to our
Holiday Special Page.
Final Thoughts
Products can be purchased "across the counter" just as most of us have done "before Shaklee". However, the credibility, the safety, the clinical research, the "brand", offered by Shaklee can not be purchased "across the counter".
Think about it