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Now you can use 
Natural Biodegradable Household Green Cleaners without 
sacrificing effectiveness and
actually Save Money in the process!

We believe you shouldn't have to sacrifice powerful convictions for powerful cleaners. And vice versa.

Seems like you’re always stuck choosing  between cleaners that are as harsh on the environment as they are on dirt; Or you have friendly, cutesy, eco-friendly cleaners that don't do diddly. Now you don't have to make that choice. These Green Cleaners show dirt and grime no mercy.

earth friendly all natural bioderadable cleaners

 We believe cleaners have to clean. If you don't think these Green Cleaning products work better than the cleaners you've got around the house, we'll give you your money back.

unconditional satisfaction guarantee that these green cleaners do what they say, or you get your money back.

11 National Brands
get out cleaned by these green cleaners. You might be using some of those brands right now.

Why not in save some money, while you go about saving the Earth.

Did you know that a lot of what you're buying when you buy some common cleaners is water? It doesn’t take much to figure out that a more economical cleaner could be developed by making it concentrated. That's just one reason green cleaners are such an awesome value. You'd have to fork out more than $3,400 (yes, you read it right – Three Thousand Four Hundred bucks) at the local store to get the same amount of clean you get in this green cleaners starter kit. Don't let the smaller bottles fool you. Ounce for ounce you are getting more clean for your buck.  You might be willing to pay extra for safe, powerful, green biodegradable cleaners but now you don't have to.  

Using a green cleaner can get you the best of both worlds.  Nice to the environment and your family and nice to your monthly budget too.

Get clean and go green

108 lbs.
of packaging waste stays out of landfills when you buy a Green Cleaning Starter Kit versus conventional ready-to-use cleaners.

248 lbs.
pounds of greenhouse gas are eliminated when you buy this Green Cleaning Starter Kit versus conventional ready-to-use cleaners.

We believe cleaning house shouldn't involve dirtying the earth.

These green cleaning products use biodegradable cleaning agents.  Instead of hanging out in the ground for hundreds of years, they break down easily without harming the planet. They also have no phosphates, borates, nitrates, or other stuff the environment doesn't appreciate. Making them super concentrated has literally tons of implications: Less weight to ship, Less product to use, Less packaging to throw away. Knowing that you’re keeping the planet clean gives you a warm clean feeling, too.

Toxic Household Cleaners

ingredients hazardous to humans.

chemicals like phosphates, chlorine, and nitrates that are harmful to the planet.

volatile organic compounds, chemicals that produce noxious toxins and air pollution.

Why not make your home the safest place in the whole world.Healthy Family

Go check under your kitchen sink right now. Pick a cleaner, any cleaner. Does it contain chemicals like chlorine, phenol, ammonia, or formaldehyde? These, just to name a few, may be toxic.  Home is no place to have stuff like that. So start by getting rid of those troublemakers. (Remember to do it responsibly, they are toxins.)

Then welcome in some green cleaners.  None of those nasty, hazardous things will hitch a ride and come with them. Now you're using products that care as much about your family's safety as you do.

9 out of 10
poison exposures are suspected to be from household products.

The number of registered chemicals, only a fraction of which have been tested for human health concerns.

These green cleaning products are biodegradable and they don't contain any of the ingredients listed below, which can be harmful to you and the planet.

Green Cleaning is

- No Naphthalene
- No Kerosene
- No Formaldehyde
- No Phenol
- No Cresol
- No Lye
- No Hydrochloric Acid
- No Sulfuric Acid
- No Petroleum Distillates
- No Benezene
- No Ammonia
- No Paradichlorobenezene
- No Sodium Hydroxide
- No Butyl Cellosolve
- No Hydrochloric Acid

- Sustainably sourced natural ingredients
- Biodegradable
- No Chlorine
- No Phosphates
- No Nitrates
- No Borates
- No Animal Testing

In your Home -
Green Cleaners Provide Cleaning Choices that are
Safe, Powerful, Green and Smart
  • Non-Toxic & SafeNatural biodegradable cleaners
  • High Performance Cleaners
  • Biodegradable
  • Free of Harsh Fumes
  • Free of Harsh Chemicals
  • Earth-Friendly
  • Natural
  • Fragrance Free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • East to Use
  • No Animal Testing
  • Recyclable
  • 100% Guaranteed

When you use green cleaners, you're never simply cleaning. While you make your home cleaner, you make your family healthier. You also make the planet healthier for other families as well. And if you think using green cleaners works  great you can tell others about it. Imagine the ripples of change you can generate. If that doesn't give you a whopping feeling of clean, we don't know what will. And you got all this just by scouring the sink, or wiping down the counter.

Green Cleaners can be Smart for your Wallet

A simple green cleaning starter kit can replace 830 bottles or boxes of conventional ready-to-use cleaning products you use in your house, kitchen and laundry - that can come to over $3400 of equivalent cleaning power.For example, One (1) 16 oz bottle of a basic household green cleaner has a suggested retail value of around $12.00 but it makes up to 48 gallons of all purpose green cleaner.That’s 384 bottles of conventional cleaning product from the grocery store.  And at less than $.04 per bottle you will have a hard time finding something less expensive on the shelves.

Less expensive doesn't mean cheap. Check out how just a few of the green cleaning products compare to other not so green national brands.

Basic Household Green Organic Cleaning Wipes
60% more effective on cleaning vinyl flooring than Pledge Wipes, and less streaking on windows than Windex with Vinegar Wipes. Plus, these green clean wipes are biodegradable.
Laundry Booster & Stain Remover Concentrate
Removes grass stains 50% better than OxiClean.
Green Dish Washing Concentrate
70% more effective on grease cutting than Method or Seventh Generation.
Fresh Laundry Concentrate
As a pre-spotter, outperforms Shout and Spray 'n Wash. As a laundry liquid, it's 30% more effective at removing dirt and stains than All "Small and Mighty".
The Green Fabric Softener Concentrate
Rivals Downy on reducing static cling. Plus, you only use 1/3 the amount.
Fabric Softening Green Dryer Sheets
Rivals Bounce on static cling without harming the environment.

Green Cleaners are Smart for You green cleaner starter kit

Now you can get green cleaners that include all the products and cleaning tools you need to start cleaning your way to a healthier home for you and your family.

Green Cleaners are Smart for the Planet 

When you purchase the an entire kit of green cleaners instead of ready-to-use products, you're helping reduce over 100 pounds of packaging waste from landfills and eliminating 248 pounds of greenhouse gases – this is the environmental equivalent of planting 10 trees.

Yes, I want to save money and make my house and the planet a healthier and safer place to live.

Order Get Clean Now

Here's to going green and getting clean -
A Shaklee Independent Distributor

100% Guarantee. The products referenced in this article are guaranteed.  The company stands behind each and every one of their green cleaning products. The ingredients, purity, safety, and performance of all our Nutrition, Healthy Home, and Personal Care products are 100% guaranteed. And of course, none of the products are tested on animals.
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